27/ 08/ 2020
Grilla semanal. Del 12 al 19 de septiembre
12 | ARGENTINO | Qué tal pascual | Argentina | 55 | Bárbara Brailovsky |
12 | DDHH | Nacido en Gambia | Spain | 27 | Natxo Leuza Fernandez |
12 | NUEVAS NARRATIVAS | Calavera Resumida | España | 63 | Javier Codesal |
12 | LATERAL | Cracks in the patriarchy | Alemán | 77 | Cagdas Celtikli, Kai Münch |
12 | CORTO INTERNACIONAL | Thin Wall | Georgia | 9 | Ana Barjadze, Mindia Kandelaki, Danial Shah |
13 | CORTO ARGENTINO | Mi tía Susana nunca se casó | Argentina | 5 | Luciana Lopez Schütz |
13 | DDHH | Dear child | Brasil | 86 | Luca Ammendola |
13 | LATERAL | I Am Here -We are together- | Japan | 60 | Tomoya Asanuma |
13 | NUEVAS NARRATIVAS | 25th Hour | Finalandia | 20 | Juho Reinikainen |
14 | ÓPERA PRIMA | Portrait of a failed writer | Países Bajos | 95 | Joris Koptod Nioky |
14 | CORTO INTERNACIONAL | Family² | Poland | 25 | Yifan Sun |
14 | DDHH | Shadow Flowers | Corea de Sur | 109 | Seung-Jun Yi |
14 | NUEVAS NARRATIVAS | How to Disappear | Austria | 20 | Robin Klengel, Leonhard Müllner, Michael Stumpf |
15 | INTERNACIONAL | After your revolt, your vote | Burkina Faso | 85 | Kiswendsida Parfait Kaboré |
15 | DDHH | But now is perfect | Países Bajos | 55 | Carin Goeijers |
15 | GENERO | When The Androgynous Child / CUANDO EL NIÑO ANDRÓGINO | Argentina | 9 | Melina Pafundi |
15 | GENERO | Divorce Denied | Israel | 59 | David Ofek, Mia Webb |
16 | ÓPERA PRIMA | The Irreversible Consequences of Slipping on a Banana Peel | Canada | 76 | Bogdan Stoica |
16 | CORTO ARGENTINO | Dasein | Argentina | 4 | Fernando Rodriguez |
16 | DDHH | On The Inside of a Military Dictatorship | Denmark | 97 | Karen Stokkendal Poulsen |
16 | NUEVAS NARRATIVAS | Remember The Rain That Made Your Corn Grow | Canada | 12 | Xavier Girard Lachaîne |
17 | IBEROAMERICANO | Nosotros los bárbaros | Bolivia | 85 | Juan Álvarez Durán |
17 | CORTO INTERNACIONAL | No Crying at the Dinner Table | Canada | 15 | Carol Nguyen |
17 | LATERAL | http://desamor | Argentina | 6 | Lucía Dobal |
17 | GENERO | Girls of Paadhai | Alemania | 90 | Natalia Preston |
18 | ÓPERA PRIMA | Sisters: Dream & Variations | Canada | 85 | Catherine Legault |
18 | ARGENTINO | San Martín 683 | Argentina | 51 | Rafael Gandhi Magaña |
18 | CORTO INTERNACIONAL | 一路來 (From There to Here) | Singapur | 29 | QI YU TEO |
18 | NUEVAS NARRATIVAS | Cold Lands – Lurralde Hotzak | España | 65 | iratxe Fresneda |
18 | LATERAL | I’m Moshanty. Do You Love | Papua Nueva Guinea | 57 | Tim Wolff |
19 | INTERNACIONAL | An ordinary country | Polonia | 51 | Tomasz Wolski |
19 | CORTO ARGENTINO | Dentro de Casa; si la Cuarentena es el Inverno, el Deseo es Primavera. | Argentina | 13 | Juan Costa Viaggio |
19 | DDHH | Home and a distant archive | Hong Kong | 24 | Dorothy Cheung |
19 | LATERAL | Private Emotion | China | 90 | Gao Xinan, Ear Hou |
19 | GENERO | Carne | Brasil | 12 | Camila Kater |